The Journey of a Vaccine
Often related to distance and hardship in transit, parents in developing countries will overcome tremendous obstacles for the chance to vaccinate their children. This video follows the journey of the vaccine and of the recipient in a remote village in Haiti.
we educate
to raise awareness about global vaccine inequity
we advocate
to ensure strong U.S. government investment in global immunization programs
we partner
to mobilize further support and private resources for the global immunization work of our UN partners
we produce results
giving more of world’s people access to lifesaving vaccines and more children a shot at life

No One Should Die from a Vaccine-Preventable Disease
Millions around the world die each year because they lack access to the lifesaving vaccines many of us take for granted. Together, we can provide more people with access to vaccines, save lives, and ensure a healthier world for all.
since the Shot@Life campaign launched in 2012

Polio vaccines have allowed us to decrease global infections by 99.9%. We’re working on the last 0.01% to eliminate the polio threat entirely.
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Measles is the most contagious of the vaccine-preventable diseases, so measles outbreaks are often the first to occur wherever health and vaccine delivery systems are weak.
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Pneumonia, the single largest cause of death of children worldwide, kills more than 800,000 children each year. With vaccination rates at only 49%, we’ve got work to do to save lives.
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