Building Trust in Vaccines with Education
Education and building trust for vaccines around the world, primarily in communities with less information and access, is crucial to ensure that everyone, everywhere has a shot at life. On this International Education Day, we take a moment to reflect on education's role in #VaccinesForAll.
Looking Ahead: Immunization in 2024
2023 was a transformative year for global immunization, and paved the way for more progress in 2024. From novel vaccines being developed and distributed, to nationwide vaccine campaigns already underway, to pledges for routine immunization programs, we enter 2024 with ongoing determination to give everyone a shot at life.
World Malaria Report Emphasizes Climate and Vaccines
The WHO's 2023 World Malaria Report discussed the adverse effects of climate change on malaria transmission and the transformative power of vaccines. Now, as we enter 2024, the groundwork is being built for routine immunization against one of the deadliest diseases for children.
Champions Spotlight: Jonathan Levenson
This Veterans's Day, we sat down with long time Shot@Life Champion Commander Jonathan Levenson to discuss his journey through vaccination advocacy. Jonathan is currently the Director for Healthcare Business at the Naval Medical Center Portsmouth and has served as a critical care nurse in the US Navy for 20 years.
Giving all Girls a Shot at Life
2023 is the 11th anniversary of the International Day of the Girl Child, made to empower girls and recognize their rights. Despite being the future leaders of this world, girls continue to face rampant global health inequities. One such injustice is the ongoing battle against HPV.
Meet our Team: Megha
Megha Gupta is the new Communications Intern for the Shot@Life campaign. Learn more about her in this Q&A!
9 Do’s and 1 Don’t for the Shot@Life Champion Summit
With the Shot@Life Champion Summit in Washington, D.C. quickly approaching, I wanted to offer some insider information to help you prepare for the exciting event. Here are some do’s and don’ts to help you make the most of your summit experience.
Happy Birthday, FDR – A Celebration and Reminder
On the 141st anniversary of President Franklin D. Roosevelt's birth, UN Foundation's Peter Yeo reflects on his life as a polio survivor and his legacy as a leader in that fight.
9 Do’s and 1 Don’t for the Shot@Life Champion Summit
Top 3 Things to Know about Advocacy
How YOU helped children in 2018
Coming together to impact change in the Lake Chad Region
Become a Shot@Life Champion
Are you ready to increase your commitment to fight for global vaccine equity? Sign up for an advocacy training and become a Shot@Life Champion!
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