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November 2023

Addressing Measles Outbreaks Amidst COVID-19 Recovery

With a decline in measles vaccination rates in the aftermath of the pandemic, the Measles & Rubella Partnership implements new strategies to boost childhood immunization.

November 2023

Champions Spotlight: Jonathan Levenson

This Veterans's Day, we sat down with long time Shot@Life Champion Commander Jonathan Levenson to discuss his journey through vaccination advocacy. Jonathan is currently the Director for Healthcare Business at the Naval Medical Center Portsmouth and has served as a critical care nurse in the US Navy for 20 years.

Megha Gupta
October 2023

Meet our Team: Megha

Megha Gupta is the new Communications Intern for the Shot@Life campaign. Learn more about her in this Q&A!

Become a Shot@Life Champion

Are you ready to increase your commitment to fight for global vaccine equity? Sign up for an advocacy training and become a Shot@Life Champion!

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