From Childhood to Motherhood: Gender Equity and Immunization
Women face significant barriers to healthcare while simultaneously making up the backbone of the global health workforce. But there is a solution: empowering women through equitable vaccine access can be a catalyst for change in both global health and gender equality.
Bird Flu, AMR, and Livestock, Oh My!
Bird flu and antimicrobial resistance have been the stars of recent global health headlines. And while seemingly unrelated at first glance, these two issues have far more in common than you may think.
Looking Back, Looking Ahead 2025
2024 saw many twists and turns in the global vaccine landscape. Another year come and gone, 2025 brings new challenges and new promises for global immunization.
Women and Vaccines: Bridging the Gap for Gender Equity
In honor of International Day of the Girl Child, we delve into an often-overlooked dimension of vaccine equity: reaching and empowering girls and women.
Vaccines Against Mosquito-Borne Diseases
In honor of World Mosquito Day, we look at the ways in which vaccines have and continue to revolutionize progress against mosquito-borne diseases like dengue and malaria.
Public Health at the Paris Olympics
The 2024 Paris Olympics faces an unexpected challenge: a global uptick in vaccine-preventable diseases that impact athletes, organizers, and spectators alike. But preventative measures are underway to safeguard global health.
Gavi 6.0: Advancing the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals
In part two of our series on Gavi 6.0, we look at how investing in immunization advances sustainable development.
Advocate to Vaccinate 2024 Roundup
It's official! We have reached the end of Advocate to Vaccinate and World Immunization Week. Thanks to the efforts of our dedicated advocates the past six weeks, Shot@Life had representation in all 50 states to make sure that members of Congress heard the call of #VaccinesForAll.
50 Years of Vaccine Progress: World Immunization Week 2024
April 24 - 30 is World Immmunization Week, a commemoration of the lifesaving vaccines that protect people of all ages against disease and disability. This year's theme is "Humanly Possible," emphasizing the success of vaccines over the past 50 years and encouraging continued investment in the cause over the next 50 years.
Embracing Vaccine Advocacy During Global Public Health Week
The annual recognition of Global Public Health Week serves as a poignant reminder of the collective responsibility we have to safeguard the health and well-being of individuals worldwide. As a part of this, we shine a spotlight on one of the most prominent tools in our public health arsenal: vaccines.
Health Workers’ Crucial Role on Immunization Frontlines
In the heart of every community, there is a force often overlooked but indispensable in safeguarding the health of nations: health workers. This World Health Worker Week, we reflect on the remarkable dedication displayed by these workers, particularly in global immunization.
Insights from the 2024 Cervical Cancer Elimination ForumÂ
Cervical cancer still takes the life of a woman every two minutes, but progress is underway to combat this deadly disease. Last week was the Global Cervical Cancer Elimination Forum, a historical step towards securing sustainable HPV vaccine supplies and protecting millions of girls from low- to middle-income countries from cervical cancer.
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Are you ready to increase your commitment to fight for global vaccine equity? Sign up for an advocacy training and become a Shot@Life Champion!
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