Advocate to Vaccinate 2022 Recap
Shot@Life advocates conducted 91 meetings with Congressional offices, made 150 calls to their policymakers, submitted 25 op-eds to their local media outlets, and sent nearly 2,200 emails and 700 tweets to members of Congress about why #VaccinesWork and the urgent need to #EndPolio.

Every spring during Advocate to Vaccinate, Shot@Life advocates from across the nation raise their voices to help increase vaccine access for children and people around the world. This year, as Congress kicked off the 2023 budget planning season, advocates from all 50 states rallied together to encourage U.S. policymakers to fund investments in global vaccine programs. They raised awareness around the importance of vaccine equity, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic, and shared how vaccines help provide a #LongLifeForAll during World Immunization Week.

Shot@Life champions meet with Senator Van Hollen’s office (MD).

Shot@Life champions meet with Representative Rogers’ office (KY).
Spring Advocacy Results:

Last Updated: 5.4.22
World Immunization Week 2022 Recap:
This year’s World Immunization Week theme “Long Life for All” unified people around the idea that vaccines make it possible for us to follow our dreams, protect our loved ones, and live a long, healthy life. Our advocates took to Twitter to share the importance of global vaccine access for all, supporting health workers, and strengthening health systems.
Special thank you as well to the 22 Congressional offices who tweeted out their support for vaccines! Here are a few below.
Shoutout to Dr. La Vonne Downey’s Students
With the help of Dr. La Vonne Downey, a Shot@Life champion in Illinois and professor at Roosevelt University, her students raised $1,800 through a class fundraising project using the message #giveashotaboutkids for World Immunization Week. Thank you all for your amazing work!
Thank you to all who were involved this spring.
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