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AdvocacyFebruary 26, 2019

Amplify Our Message

Today is the day! Over 125 of our Shot@Life supporters will be heading to the Hill to make sure our members of Congress know how strongly we support funding for global childhood immunization programs.

We need your help to make our impact even bigger. Help us amplify our message on Capitol Hill by acting today!

• Use your voice on social media. Click here to easily tweet at your members of Congress to show that you support global childhood immunization programs. You can also find postings for Facebook by visiting our digital toolkit here.

• Send a letter to your members of Congress through our online form. Just fill in your information and quickly customize our template.

• Take 5 minutes to call your legislators by using our easy patch-through service at 1-844-368-0294. Tell the staffer who answers that you have an opinion on global health and foreign aid. Use these talking points to help get your message across.

Thank you for your continued support of the Shot@Life campaign and our global health partners. Without your support, we would be unable to help provide access to lifesaving vaccines for children around the world.

We’d love to hear about the actions you took today! Make sure to share your success with Tracie at Let’s give more children access to vaccines.


Rebecca Maxie

Rebecca Maxie is the Director of Grassroots Advocacy for the United Nations Foundation, serving as a strategic advisor for a variety of advocacy campaigns working towards achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Prior to joining the UN Foundation, Rebecca spent over a decade working on or managing political campaigns and causes through leadership roles in national political consulting firms. Rebecca earned her B.A. in Political Science from the University of the Pacific in California, her M.P.S. in Political Management from George Washington University, and is also alumna of the Women’s Campaign School at Yale University. Rebecca moved to Washington, D.C. in December of 2014 from Las Vegas, Nevada, where she was heavily involved in her community. She was elected as the youngest President in the history of the Women’s Democratic Club of Clark County, Nevada’s oldest political club. Rebecca also has a passion for travel, and has lived abroad in Odessa, Ukraine and Florence, Italy.