If you are a NAPNAP member who attended the conference, I hope that you had a chance to stop by our booth to play Shot@Life Trivia or to simply learn about the Shot@Life Campaign and our partnership with NAPNAP!

Shot@Life team members talk to pediatric nurse practitioners at the 37th National Conference on Pediatric Health Care in Atlanta.
Whether it was attending one of the ground breaking sessions on pediatric health, or learning about all the remarkable work taking place across the country, I was inspired by every NAPNAP member I met.
You don’t have to be a NAPNAP member to get more involved in the Shot@Life movement to help end unnecessary childhood deaths from vaccine-preventable diseases! If you are passionate about global immunization programs, I’d encourage you to become a champion for our cause. This spring, we are organizing two upcoming Champion Trainings in April! Register now!
Champion Training #1: April 16th from 3pm-4pm EST
Registration: bit.ly/apr16trainingregister
Champion Training #2: April 28th from 8:30pm – 9:30pm EST
Registration: bit.ly/apr28trainingregister
In the meantime, please feel free to contact me at Akissick@unfoundation.org to learn more about the partnership, Shot@Life, and the new and exciting partnership!
I hope you’ll join us in standing up for childhood. Together, we can give children everywhere a shot at a healthy life.