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AdvocacyJuly 31, 2014

Celebrating Mothers Around the World

The dreams and aspirations mothers have for their children can never be measured by circumstances. Although it feels like we’re a world away from mothers in developing countries, the word “mother” keeps us connected at the heart. We all want our children to live safe, educated, productive and healthy lives.

Mocha Moms, Inc. chose to honor moms everywhere with “Celebrating Mothers Around the World” events this summer. All across the country, Mocha chapters educated communities of mothers about Shot@Life and how vaccinations affect a mother’s ability to provide optimum care for her child.

We shared stories of mothers in Uganda and the struggles they endure to help their children survive diseases like pneumonia and diarrhea. Many moms had never heard that a child dies every 20 seconds from disease that could have been prevented by a vaccine. In many countries, vaccinations are considered a privilege—a gift.

As we took to our communities and raised awareness through Mom’s Night Outs, spa days, community festivals, brunches, socials, teas and shopping events, we also raised funds in our continued quest to help other moms save the lives of their children.  The greatest gift a mother can ever receive is a healthy child.

No matter where you live, if you’re a mother, YOU CARE!

Lashaun Martin