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AdvocacyMay 21, 2014

Let Your Voice be Heard About the GAVI Alliance

Yesterday, one of the United Nations Foundation’s partners, the GAVI Alliance, who works with leaders in the vaccine industry to save lives by accelerating vaccine introduction, increasing coverage and making vaccines affordable for developing countries, announced their next phase of funding needs.

The $7.5 billion figure released yesterday encompasses the Alliance’s needs to fund the next five years of work supporting children around the globe by providing access to life-saving vaccines.  The $7.5 billion figure will enable GAVI to increase access to vaccinations around the globe to immunize 300 million more children, saving a total of five to six million lives.

Through the work of GAVI and other partners, we have already seen tremendous progress providing children with life-saving vaccines. Since 2000, close to half a billion children were immunized and six million lives have been saved.

GAVI is a true investment in a healthier future. It’s no secret that immunization is a global health “best buy,” reducing illness and cutting health costs, allowing children to spend more time in school, and providing opportunities for more shots at healthier futures.

Over the course of the next couple weeks, Shot@Life will keep our supporters informed of the way Americans can continue supporting the work of GAVI, the United Nations, and our other partners to ensure vaccines reach children in developing countries. If you are not receiving Shot@Life emails, I encourage you to sign up here on our website so you can stay apprised of this important issue.

Devi R. Thomas