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AdvocacyApril 17, 2013

It’s Our Birthday, Let’s Celebrate Together!

There is something magical about birthdays – turning a year older and celebrating the milestones of the past year and all the excitement to come in the next.

Next week, Shot@Life is celebrating our first birthday during World Immunization Week (April 24-30) and we want to celebrate it with you. Because of you, over the past year, we have helped ensure that thousands of children around the world reach the milestone of celebrating a first birthday by receiving life-saving vaccines, sent over 26,000 letters to Congress, and grew this movement to over 190,000 supporters. Amazing!

But we can’t stop here. We were able to accomplish this much over the course of one year, now imagine what we can do if each of us inspires at least one more person to join the movement.

There are so many ways to be part of our nationwide celebration both in your community and online, to help amplify the Shot@Life movement and to help give children everywhere a healthy shot at life. Here are some ideas:

  • Plan an event for your community. Throw a party, documentary screening, or partner with local businesses. Bringing people together is a great way to teach others about global vaccines and have fun!
  • Share Shot@Life on your blog, Twitter, Facebook, and Pinterest. Use this online activity guide for ideas.

Save the date and join us in celebrating Shot@Life’s first birthday during World Immunization Week 2013 from April 24-30—you can be part of a national movement to help give children everywhere a shot at a healthy life.

Devi R. Thomas