Pictures like this one will encourage world leaders to continue to fund global vaccine programs.
Calling all photographers! Okay, not just photographers, but anyone able to take a high resolution photo – we need your pictures to show the world we care about global vaccines! All photos submitted will be featured in a one-of-a-kind video to be shown at this year’s Global Vaccine Summit.
Joining thousands who care about global vaccines, your pictures will encourage world leaders to continue to fund global vaccine programs that our partners implement each year – keeping children healthy and giving them a shot at a healthy life.
Hosted by the Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi and co-hosted with our friend Bill Gates, co-chair of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, being a part of the Global Vaccine Summit is an opportunity you won’t want to pass up!
Get Started:
Take a high resolution picture of you holding up a sign saying, “Vaccines Save Lives,” email it, and we’ll do the rest. Signs do not have to be fancy and can be in any size, so be creative!
All pictures must be emailed to champions@shotatlife.org with the subject title “GVS Picture,” no later than March 29th, 2013. It’s that easy!
Here are some other fun facts about the Global Vaccine Summit:
- The summit will be held during World Immunization Week (April 24-30th, 2013) in partnership with the United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon and other organizational partners, including UNICEF, the World Health Organization, the Global Polio Eradication Initiative, the GAVI Alliance, and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.
- The summit is going held in Abu Dhabi of the United Arab Emirates in recognition of the growing leadership in the Middle East and Islamic countries are providing in efforts to immunize children against polio and other preventable diseases.
- Currently, immunization reaches 80% of the world’s children and misses 23 million children annually. This summit, joins organizational partners from around the world is a critical step to ensure that all children have access to life-saving vaccines.
So, what are you waiting for?! Get your camera ready & snap your shots today, so the movement to protect children worldwide continues.